Sudeep Charles


Customer Conversations



The Economic Times -

In an interview with ETtech, Sudeep Charles, Product Marketing Manager, Security, Akamai Technologies brings light on the Cyber security issues that India faces, Akamai’s cloud security strategy and the evolution of botnets.
economic times
indian express technology senate

The Indian Express Technology Senate

Sudeep journeyed the CIOs through the business imperatives and the resultant changes faced, an Indian context to the security threat landscape and finally to the Akamai’s cloud based approach to security.

Enterprise IT News - Malaysia

In an interview with Enterprise IT News-Malaysia, Akamai’s Product Marketing Manager in Asia Pacific & Japan, Sudeep Charles talked about managing bots for better security and web experience.

Gizmodo - What CISOs need to do to prevent cyber attacks

In a chat with Sudeep Charles, Product Marketing Manager, Cloud Security, APJ, Akamai Technologies, explored how new security threats can make lives of chief information security officers (CISOs) difficult and how can they be prevented.

Security trends and threats in the BFSI space

Companies, especially financial organizations, should obtain threat intelligence on a regular basis, identify technologies that provide scale without impacting performance of assets and be ready for frequent and large scale attacks.
security trends
go online to prevent cyber attacks

Go Online to Prevent Cyber Attacks

Sudeep Charles, Product Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific & Japan, Akamai Technologies discuss on  how IT disaster recovery outsourcing help financial insitutions, government and other entities protect confidential information in case of a data center outage.

Digital India Raises Security Concerns

In an interview with Sudeep Charles, product head – Asia Pacific & Japan at Akamai Technologies, cautions that given the crunch India faces in web security from infrastructure and expertise perspectives, securing critical data could pose challenges  considering Digital India.